Spaces Filling Up Fast

We could never have expected that the day we opened registration, one year out, that we would have already had 20ppl pre-register and 8ppl sign up to do service.  God is so very good.  Since this is the first time this event has happened, we are taking it one day at a time and see how it unfolds, but the current thinking is when we get to 125ppl, we will close registration and open a wait list.

While it’s a year out and people may have a hard time knowing what life will look like a year from now, our suggestion is go ahead and book your spot now.  As we get closer we will be reaching out to all pre-registrants to confirm attendance and for those that are not able to make it, we will release their seat and start filling them with folks on the wait list.  At the moment, that seems workable, but we will see how it goes as we move along.

Our thanks to everyone who has expressed excitement about this event.  We can’t wait to share this experience with you.  God is so very good!

In love & service,
Rick & Terry

We Found A Home

We found the perfect location to host our first DFW/12 Step Advance on the beautiful campus of Martin UMC at 2621 Bedford Rd, Bedford, TX 76021.  We believe this facility will be perfect for the day.  We will be using their Fellowship Hall which they call “Soul Food.”  What a perfect name for the room we will be doing our meeting in.

Soul Food is in the Tom Vastine Education Center amongst beautiful trees and walkways.  The room is light filled, has easy access to the parking lot, has a wonderful patio with picnic table just outside its doors, has an amazing commercial kitchen,  accessible bathrooms, and will easily sit the 125ppl we are hoping to have.

The church was overjoyed at the prospect of having members of A.A. back on the campus as they have housed A.A. groups in the past and were excited to welcome A.A. members back into their beautiful facility.  We are confident you will love the facility as much as we do.

In love & service,
Rick & Terry

12 Step Advance Launched

We are excited to launch a first for the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex…. an all-day, 12-hour study of A.A.’s 12 Steps.  Terry and I are excited to share our experience, strength, and hope on how the Steps have changed our lives.

This will be a first for us, as well as a first for our community.  We will be spending the next year developing this study session and will remain prayerful that God will remove our egos long enough that those who join us will get what God wants them to hear – and not what we want them to hear.

Please plan on joining us in in Bedford, TX on August 31, 2024.  Bring your BB and a Texas-sized willingness to learn!

In love & service,
Rick & Terry