What To Expect

Terry and I have been working hard to finalize the agenda and content for the Advance.  Here’s a few updates we wanted to let you know about….

All attendees will receive a printed, spiral bound handout of the entire 12-Step study (with space in the handout for notes).

The day of the Advance, we will share with you a QR ode that you can use to download a digital version of the handout so you have that in addition to the printed version we will be providing.

We will be recording the Advance and will make the audio version of it available only to attendees after the Advance has been completed.

If you signed up to do service at the Advance, our Volunteer Coordinators, Jennifer C., and Shannan C, will be in touch with you shortly.

If you pre-registered before January 1, 2024 and have not paid, please visit our payment form to submit your payment to us. https://dfw12stepadvance.org/pay/

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!  More updates to come.